Thursday, November 28, 2013


                                        FEW  ESSENTIAL  TIPS  FOR  KEEP  FLOWERS  FRESH

Every  time  when  you  change  the  water  of  flower  vase,  just  trim  the  end  of   flower   stem  (little  portion).  This  ensures  the  freshness  of  flowers  for  long  time.

If  you  want  to  keep  the  flower  fresh,  then  cut  the  flowers  from  plants  with  stem and  keep  flowers  in  dark  room,  take out  from  dark  when  required,  it  will  be  fresh.

Wrap  the  flowers  with  newspaper  and  keep  them  in  plastic  container  with  lid.  Then  place  the  container  in  refrigerator.  Flowers  will  be  fresh  for  next  seven  days,

Hang  the  flowers  upside  down,  this  ensures  delay  of  loosing  flower  patels,  so  they  remain  in good  condition,  when  we  decorate  in flower  vase.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


                                        CHILDREN     AND    PROPER   EDUCATION.

Knowledge  is acquired  through  education.  But  now  a  days  proper  education  is  a  great  problem,  as the  children  have  to  overcome  hard  hurdle  from  beginning  of  their  childhood.  At  the  age  of  three  or  even  much  earlier  they  are  forced  to  digest  an  unexpected  load  of curriculum  both  in  school  as  well as home.  For  this  heavy  load  of  curriculum  they  miss  their  childhood  activities.  Body,  mind,  and  spirit  of  the  children  become  restless  and  disturbed.  Spirituality and divinity  get  lost  in  their  mind.  They  lack  patients  and  do not  listen  to  guardians.  Their  life  become  aimless.  For  these  reasons  proper  education  in  school  is  very  much  necessary  to  develop  their  mind  and  body.  Education  should  be  such  that,  their  body,  mind,  and  spirit  can  be  nourished  with  great  care.  We  have  to  take  care and they  should  grow  up  with  love,  affection,tolerance, security  and  appreciation.  This ensures  a  great  nation  in  future.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ride Simulator a unique experiance.


We are familiar with flight simulator, which helps pilot to get realistic  flying  experience without real flying.  Now a days, Ride simulator, much like  flight  simulator are providing the virtual experience of flying,  racing, horror feeling etc. to common people. 

These ride  simulators  are now a part of big amusement  parks or science parks world over.  
Common people , specially children are very fond of these rides. These ten to fifteen minutes rides, really  gives the feeling of action, virtually.  Engineering is developed to give up to six to seven  types of virtual feelings  for spectators in their sitting position on simulator capsule or platform.

Picture on screen may be turned to 3Dimensanol (3D) by special projectors and  3D goggles
provided  to spectators. For example,  if there is rain in screen movie, at that moment rain drops really comes  down to spectators by specially synchronize sprinkler fitted above the capsule or platform.

 Action like fog, heat, smoke, aroma, snake on legs or leg tickler etc. comes alive to spectators. These actions  are added with movement of capsule or platform in three different axis.
 An example of simulator  ride is,  Roller Coaster ride. The virtual roller coaster ride is similar to real one with all excitement  like  ups and down, shaking, braking, speeding, turning, banking, yawing, jumping in simulator itself.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

FOUNTAIN, Engineering behind a fountain.

Fountain,  how  they  work and  types  of  fountain.

Fountains, are  Fixed  or Musical   two  types basically.   Now a  days  advance  laser  water  screen fountains  also  developed.  But,  most  people  enjoy  fixed  type  or  musical  fountain.

Fixed  fountains  are simply  makes  different  water  patterns  and  changes  colors  with  shades  of  light  beam.  These  types  of  fountain  can  be  noticed  in  park  and  crossing  of  roads  or  in front  of  offices,  bungalows,  buildings.  People  enjoy  the pleasure  of  fountain,  standing  there  for  few  minutes  or  on  the  move.  These   fountains  are  installed  in  fixed  small  water  pool,  decorated  by  glazed  tiles  and  lights.  These  needs  basically  a  water  pump  and  few  plumbing  lines  with  different  types  of  nozzles.  Water  flow  controlled  by  the  electro mechanical  valves  fitted  in  the  pipe  lines.
Musical  fountain  is  the one,  which  is  large  in  size  and  different  pattern  of  water  dances  with  the  tune  of  music.  These  fountains are  specially  installed  in amusement  parks.  Large  water  pool  is  constructed  according  to  the  number  of  water  pattern  and  nozzles.   In these  types  of  fountains ,   electronic  controller  are  synchronize  with  music  and  controls  the  valves , to  open  or  close  electrically,    and  then  different  water  patterns  comes  out  from  nozzles.  Another  channel  in  electronic  controller  controls  the  lights,  which  goes  on  and off  with  valve  function.
Ultimate  output  is  the charming  dance  of  water  blend  with colors  of  lights  and  music.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Water fountain, the mind refresher.

Water Fountain, the Mind Refresher.

Water the source of life, blend with different color of lights, dance according the computer pre programmed music, this is the simple concept of Musical water fountain.

The basic science behind musical fountain is,  water pumped up from fixed water source by a submersible pump and passed through pipe lines of different diameter. Engineers design the different shape of nozzle, which are fitted to the end of the pipe line and shoots up the water  in the air, making different pattern of water, and lights fitted below the nozzle, focuses the water pattern in different changing colors.

This water pattern are controlled by computer software programme written for specific song or music. These are the basic science behind the musical water fountain, we enjoy in amusement parks world over.

Water fountain show, gives us peace of mind and feeling of wellness at least for few hours. Stress and strain of mind releases, and we achieve new boost of energy

in our mind. In summer evening water fountain show are big crowed pullers in parks. It cools the surrounding area and shoots the positive energy in our body and mind.

Friday, November 15, 2013

How to Grow Flowers and Fruits in Tub (container) at Home

We know farming need open fertile land or lawn of your home. But we can grow flowers and fruits even vegetable in tub with minimum effort and little expense. How is it possible let"s find out.
What we need a earthen tub (container), the size of tub depends upon your plant. Generally it is not recommended to keep a plant above ten feet in a tub, Always try to select the plant whose normal length is within ten feet or less.example chili plant.
Second step is where to get small plant and what to select for your tub. I recommend first you go for any type of flower, because flowers are always beautiful.
Now go for soil selection, type of soil generally need for tub is loom soil. Loom soil is the mixture of sand and clay soil, it can hold both air and water, it has a lot of humus. Loom is the best soil for tub plants as it contain air, water and humus. Humus makes the soil fertile.
Next mix dust of dry oil -cake and dry cow dung with the tub soil and you are ready to put your first baby plant in tub. As soil is kept in the tub and your plant need different gases for growth, you have to arrange for these.
Take a one feet long stick and make few bore around the soil of tub,and by this oxygen and nitrogen of air pass to the bottom of the soil and it become fertile. By this you can increase the life of plant and its capacity to give healthy flowers and fruits.
Next issue i will discuss about organic manure which is essential for tub grown plants.