Friday, November 22, 2013

Ride Simulator a unique experiance.


We are familiar with flight simulator, which helps pilot to get realistic  flying  experience without real flying.  Now a days, Ride simulator, much like  flight  simulator are providing the virtual experience of flying,  racing, horror feeling etc. to common people. 

These ride  simulators  are now a part of big amusement  parks or science parks world over.  
Common people , specially children are very fond of these rides. These ten to fifteen minutes rides, really  gives the feeling of action, virtually.  Engineering is developed to give up to six to seven  types of virtual feelings  for spectators in their sitting position on simulator capsule or platform.

Picture on screen may be turned to 3Dimensanol (3D) by special projectors and  3D goggles
provided  to spectators. For example,  if there is rain in screen movie, at that moment rain drops really comes  down to spectators by specially synchronize sprinkler fitted above the capsule or platform.

 Action like fog, heat, smoke, aroma, snake on legs or leg tickler etc. comes alive to spectators. These actions  are added with movement of capsule or platform in three different axis.
 An example of simulator  ride is,  Roller Coaster ride. The virtual roller coaster ride is similar to real one with all excitement  like  ups and down, shaking, braking, speeding, turning, banking, yawing, jumping in simulator itself.

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