Saturday, June 26, 2021


Perhaps it's the smoky flavour or the mouthwatering aroma that it gives, grilled cuisine offers food connoisseurs, as well as novice cooks endless opportunities  to creat some spectacular  yet satisfying dishes, especially during chilly winters.Whether it's the good grilled burgers or delectable tandoori chicken, cooking food in this way is not only quick, it is also a culinary treat to our palates. So to enjoy and master this form of cooking, all you need to do is conquer these grilling  essentials and get the grill smoking.


Like in any cooking process, grilling too can be done by different techniques. Cooking with direct and indirect heat are the methods mostly used. It is important to understand the differences between the two methods to ensure success when grilling. Occasionally, both methods are used and are alternated to grill certain foods, which  is often the case when grilling the thick cuts of meet. The temperature required and the grilling method used, usually depends upon the type of food and the thickness of the food.


Direct heat grilling is the most basic and common grilling method. This method is accomplished by placing food items over direct heat in order to cook them. This can be done over charcoal, gas, wood or any other heat source. This technique is best suited for foods such as HOT DOGS, STEAKS, HAMBURGERS, FISH AND PORK CHOPS.


Indirect heat grilling is a technique, where the food is cooked with reflected or indirect heat. It involves not placing the food over a direct heat source and keeping the lid covered most of the time. If the food must be placed over the heat source, then the temperature will have to be low for the food to cook indirectly. This  allows thick food items to be cooked slowly, which is necessary to ensure that the food does not burn on the exterior surface, before the interior portion is properly cooked. Foods such as beef roasts, pork roasts, whole turkeys, and whole chickens are good choice for grilling with this method.


You can still grill...For those of you don't want to fire up a special grill, you can still enjoy tasty grilled delights at home, by simply grilling in your OTG. The boiler function in the oven acts similar to a grill. It applies direct, intense heat to the surface of the food, sealing in the juices and producing a nice, crisp char on the outside. This technique works best for meats, which cook more slowly, although vegetables can be prepared under a boiler too, if they are carefully monitored. The key to grilling with your oven is to preheat it to the highest possible temperature first, then switching to the boiler setting. This allows the oven to maintain a temperature that is as searing as a grill.


If you are investing in a charcoal grill, see to it that it is kept on a heat proof surface, away from building and overheating trees. Never grill inside your home, even in an open garage. Always start with a clean grill, as ash left over from previous cooking can rust the grill pan. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for lighting the grill. A charcoal fire takes 30 - 45 minutes to reach the proper cooking heat after you light it. Also, it is important to store the charcoal in a dry place.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Tips for Easy Meal Planning

Where has the family dinner hour gone? There once was a time when we would all come home from a long day and sit down with our family for a nice home-cooked meal. In today's fast paced world, we need more bonding time with the family. One might say that in today's day where people pile way too much on the plate of life, that it is impossible to have a family dinner everyday. I disagree. Wouldn't you like to get back to the way it used to be?

One way to make family dinners easier to prepare is by planning ahead. Often times I find myself going to the grocery store every other day to pick up needed items, and this is how family time gets lost. Spend a little time planning out dinner ideas for the coming week. Pick meals that are quick and easy for your dinners during the week and save the more time consuming recipes for the weekend. Did you know that software has been developed that makes meal planning a breeze? With a click of the mouse you can organize your recipe collection into daily meal plans complete with nutrition facts and shopping lists. With the computer generated shopping list you won't have to worry about forgetting a needed item when you go grocery shopping.

Another great way to ensure that your family eats together most nights of the week is to share the responsibility of preparing dinner. It can be difficult for one family member to be responsible for cooking everyday. Each member of the family can take turns cooking each night. This is also a good way to add some new flavors to your meals since each member may have a different cooking technique. For those family members who don't cook often, this can prove to be a great learning experience. Review each family member's weekly schedule and delegate the meal preparation tasks such as grocery shopping, cooking, and clean up. Working as a team is a great way to build strength as a family.

"Not meatloaf again!" I'm sure everyone has heard the complaints from that same meal being served week after week. Keep your family dinners exciting by trying different variations of your favorite recipes. An even better idea would be to test out some new recipes. Surprise your family with a delicious new dinner tonight and they will be sure to come back to the dinner table tomorrow

Nothing is more important than your family. It's worth the effort to make sure that your family eats together daily. Besides the needed nutrition, this time spent together will help open the lines of communication and make your family bond stronger.

Free time is Crunchy snacks time. Try 'PEATOS' the king of Snacks.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Hair loss, a real problem.

Let’s face it, hair loss is not a welcome change at any age. With more than 70 percent of men experiencing male pattern baldness at some point in their lives, many of them seek a remedy.
Hair loss treatments come in many varieties, but only a few work. Possibly the most reliable and permanent solution to this problem is hair transplantation – a minor surgical procedure done under local anesthesia.
Regardless of a man’s age or amount of baldness, the latest techniques in hair transplantation can provide what hair loss sufferers want the most – a confident, more youthful appearance.
Bill Wellington, an 83-year-old retired CIA economist and Army Air Force Pilot originally from Detroit, first started noticing his hair loss at 14 or 15. In college, he secretly studied hair loss on his own and even talked to a hair consultant, hoping to find a remedy. Despite these attempts, he continued to lose his hair.
One college hockey teammate remarked that Wellington refused to wet his hair in the shower for fear of losing it.
” I always carried that element of personal insecurity that surfaced when I prepared for work or showered after hockey. It was the receding hair line,” Wellington said.
When he fought in World War II, he used his helmet and cap to conceal his problem, but it stayed on his mind. Years later, after he left the Army and had a successful career and a loving family, his hair loss continued to bother him.
The biggest problem, he says, was his loss of self confidence which stemmed from his baldness. For instance, while taking a family photo, his children commented, “Hey Dad, you’re really getting bald.”
“The old comic reply, ‘hair today, gone tomorrow’ got a chuckle but did little to bolster my ego,” Wellington said.
After attending a free seminar on hair transplantation, he decided to get treatment from the doctors at Elliott & True, a medical practice specializing in hair transplantation, and he has been satisfied ever since. He still plays organized hockey for a Maryland seniors team called the Geri-Hatricks, which he named. He says younger players always compliment his healthy-looking hair.
At the office of doctors Robert H. True and Robert J. Dorin, patients from 25 to 80 get their own natural, growing hair back thanks to the latest hair transplant technology.
“The results are quite impressive nowadays, and they seem to have the same positive effect on a patient’s well-being, regardless of his age,” 

Try new hair growth.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

At home simple exercise, get relax from pain

Shifting from regular routine  we are now spending whole day at home, yes I am talking about
Corona epidamic unwanted situation now in our life.
In every household middle aged and  elderly people facing the problem of different types  of  body  pain like leg, knee, hip joint  etc. it common now  a days. Specially  women  in this age bracket, work and spent long hour of time in kitchen standing alone.
Inflation  in leg muscles, muscle  cramps symptoms, muscle  joint  pain etc.  we suffer.

For  relief always avoid  work standing for a long  hour at kitchen, keep one high seating  arrangement in kitchen or take rest in between standing. Vegetable  cutting and peeling  can be done in the dining  table. Avoid cleaning/moping  each  room everyday, do it in alternate  day. Sitting in floor folding  your  legs, those suffering from arthritis must avoid this practice. For cloth washing  use only washing  machine and keep water bucket of washroom  at a height, as bending of body can harm for pain. Also not to carry waterful bucket.
Few exercise, not only for body fat removal but also for knee pain relief is helpful.
Sit in a chair, pull your two legs parallel to floor. Keep it for five second and put down. Do it ten times in three sitting, take a break  of 30 second for  each  sitting. This is simple and good for knee pain removal.
"WALL SQUAT" or 'wall sit' also a good exercise  for knee pain.  Stand straight  and wall should  be your backrest. Now forward your two legs but body back rest with wall. In this condition try to get down. Leg position will be inverted 'L'. Don't get down full. As like you are sitting in a chair (actually  without  chair). Arthritis  patient  not to try this.
For shoulder pain relief,  keep your body in sleep like position straight, put a folded towel in your shoulder  back.  Now, put pressure  in towel with the help of your shoulder. Keep pressing 10 second. Then relax.  Do this for 5 minutes. You will get relief.
For waist pain; exercise  name 'BIRD DOG HOLD'  is a good one.
Take the position of crawling. Shoulder, leg and hand should be straight. Take balance  on left hand and lift your left leg back side parallel to floor. Hold this position  for 10 second. Do the reverse with right  hand and  leg. Spinal cord should be straight all the time. Do 3 sitting.
Leg pain which may occur for long hour work in standing position. This is actually  cuff muscle  pain.  WALL CUFF  STRECH is a good exercise for  this. Put your two palm on wall and keep your legs back side, apart from wall.Body position like sliding. Now take one leg forward  and press wall by plam. By this back side leg muscle  will get pressure. Keep it for 10 second. Do the same for another leg.Three sitting is required.
Few more tips for pain removal :
Before bed time at night keep your feet dip in luck warm water with  bath  salt or normal salt, you will get relax  from leg pain. Before sleep keep a pillow below  your  legs to make a lift position of leg. For knee pain hot and cold compress is beneficial. At the time of TV watching or when you are relaxing  grab a soft ball in palm and gently  press. It is relaxing.


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Yoga blog 2020

In this challenging time of corona virus epidemic, everybody should try some simple YOGA at home, for fit and refresh mind. This yoga practice should be regular for few minutes, not required huge time involment

Specially early morning is best for yoga. These are trusted and tested method for wellbeing of mankind. Earlier days Indian culture was based on these yoga and meditation. Now world is realizing the power of yoga. Everybody can practice a few yoga in simple way as in photo.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


                                            HYPOXIA   AND   AIRPLANE   TRAVEL

Hypoxia  is  the  condition  in human,  when  oxygen  quantity  in  blood  decreases.  As  a  result  sleepiness,  headache,  blue  lips  and  blue  finger  nails,  impaired  vision  and  judgment,  increased  pulse  rate  and  respiration,  certain  personality  change  occur.

Modern  airplane  travel  are all  high  altitude  flying.  This  altitude  is  a relation  with  hypoxia.  When  altitude  increases  atmospheric  pressure  decreases.   Atmospheric  air  contains  our  life  supporting  oxygen.  At  high  altitude  this  oxygen  quantity  is  so  less,  that,  if  proper  system  is  not  there  in  airplane,   hypoxia  attack  the  airplane  traveler,  because,  percentage  of  oxygen  in  air  breathed  decreases.

At  10,000  feet  above  the  sea  level  oxygen  saturation  of  the blood  is  90%.  It  is  81%  at  15,000  feet  above  sea  level.  It  is  68%  at  22,000 feet  above  sea  level  and  convulsion  may occur.  At  25,000  feet  oxygen  saturation  in the  blood  decreases  to  50%,  if  this  condition  continues  for  five  minutes,  it  can  cause  unconsciousness.

To  overcome  these  situation  modern  airplane  cabin  are  made  pressurized.  It  is  the  standard  practice  for  protection   travelers  from  effects  of  hypoxia.  Airplane  cabin  pressurization  is  a technique  by  which  people  can  be  transported    comfortably  and  safely  against  the  effect  of hypoxia.  There  is  mechanisms  to  maintain   the  cabin  altitude  8000  feet  or  less  and  passenger  can  stay  there  without  oxygen  equipment.  By  maintaining  this  8000  feet  or  less  cabin  altitude  it  is  ensures  that  sufficient  atmospheric   pressure  is  there  to  absorb  required  percentage  of  oxygen  for human  blood  supply   through  normal  breathing  process,  thus  hypoxia  is  averted.

Monday, December 16, 2013


                                                SCHOOL  WORK  EDUCATION

Work education  in  school  is  a  very  useful  learning  method  for  children.  This  type  of  education  is  called  hands  on  experience  and  beneficial  for  children’s   future.  Work education  in  school  curriculum  ensures  every  children  a  practical  approach  to  create  something  by  own  effort.  Teacher  guide  the  children  to  go  ahead,  step  by  step  and  finally  complete  a  finished  product,  what  ever  it  may  be. 

Simple  materials  are  used  to  complete  the  project,  no  expensive  material  is  chosen  for  the  project.  Teacher  guide  them  to  think  about  innovative  idea  and  materialize   that  idea  with  simple  object   available  in  their  capacity.

This  in  turn  build  confidence  in  children’s   mind  to  create  something  by  their  own.  And  this  experience  is  helpful  to  build  future  entrepreneurs.

A   simple  example  of  work education  is,  this  attached   hand  crafted  shoe model.  This is  done  by  cutting  craft paper and  pasting  them  with  glue,  and  finally  painting  them  like  real  shoes.  Many  innovative  idea  can  be  materialize  by  this  type  of  model  work,  and  self  confidence  can  be  grown  in  children.