Saturday, April 25, 2020

At home simple exercise, get relax from pain

Shifting from regular routine  we are now spending whole day at home, yes I am talking about
Corona epidamic unwanted situation now in our life.
In every household middle aged and  elderly people facing the problem of different types  of  body  pain like leg, knee, hip joint  etc. it common now  a days. Specially  women  in this age bracket, work and spent long hour of time in kitchen standing alone.
Inflation  in leg muscles, muscle  cramps symptoms, muscle  joint  pain etc.  we suffer.

For  relief always avoid  work standing for a long  hour at kitchen, keep one high seating  arrangement in kitchen or take rest in between standing. Vegetable  cutting and peeling  can be done in the dining  table. Avoid cleaning/moping  each  room everyday, do it in alternate  day. Sitting in floor folding  your  legs, those suffering from arthritis must avoid this practice. For cloth washing  use only washing  machine and keep water bucket of washroom  at a height, as bending of body can harm for pain. Also not to carry waterful bucket.
Few exercise, not only for body fat removal but also for knee pain relief is helpful.
Sit in a chair, pull your two legs parallel to floor. Keep it for five second and put down. Do it ten times in three sitting, take a break  of 30 second for  each  sitting. This is simple and good for knee pain removal.
"WALL SQUAT" or 'wall sit' also a good exercise  for knee pain.  Stand straight  and wall should  be your backrest. Now forward your two legs but body back rest with wall. In this condition try to get down. Leg position will be inverted 'L'. Don't get down full. As like you are sitting in a chair (actually  without  chair). Arthritis  patient  not to try this.
For shoulder pain relief,  keep your body in sleep like position straight, put a folded towel in your shoulder  back.  Now, put pressure  in towel with the help of your shoulder. Keep pressing 10 second. Then relax.  Do this for 5 minutes. You will get relief.
For waist pain; exercise  name 'BIRD DOG HOLD'  is a good one.
Take the position of crawling. Shoulder, leg and hand should be straight. Take balance  on left hand and lift your left leg back side parallel to floor. Hold this position  for 10 second. Do the reverse with right  hand and  leg. Spinal cord should be straight all the time. Do 3 sitting.
Leg pain which may occur for long hour work in standing position. This is actually  cuff muscle  pain.  WALL CUFF  STRECH is a good exercise for  this. Put your two palm on wall and keep your legs back side, apart from wall.Body position like sliding. Now take one leg forward  and press wall by plam. By this back side leg muscle  will get pressure. Keep it for 10 second. Do the same for another leg.Three sitting is required.
Few more tips for pain removal :
Before bed time at night keep your feet dip in luck warm water with  bath  salt or normal salt, you will get relax  from leg pain. Before sleep keep a pillow below  your  legs to make a lift position of leg. For knee pain hot and cold compress is beneficial. At the time of TV watching or when you are relaxing  grab a soft ball in palm and gently  press. It is relaxing.


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